Tag Archives: how

CakePhp3 – Date Formating and Timezone

23666Quite simply this is a pain to set right, as it seems to default to the american time zone despite several efforts to configure it to european time in both Cakephp3 and the Php.ini file.

But you can display the needed time format as follows in your view action;

Below the field “created” is a date field in a MySQL Database.

echo $order->created->i18nFormat('dd-MMMM-YYYY HH:mm');


To set the timezone of your application you need to go to the config/app.php

Change below as follows;

'defaultLocale' => env('APP_DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'en_US'),
'defaultLocale' => env('APP_DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'en_IE'),

This wont change the default display of dates but will set the dates to be displayed in the locale you desire.


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Cakephp3 How to pass a variable to an element

cake-logoSometimes its very handy to pass a variable to an Element in Cakephp3.

This allows you to customize the element if needed;
To do so simply;

in your view file;

echo $this->element('helpbox', [
    "helptext" => "Oh, this text is very helpful."

What does it do?
This will load the element called “helpbox” and pass the value “Oh, this text is very helpful.” to the variable called “helptext” in the element.

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