Category Archives: tutorials

Windows 10 taking a long time to boot with Hyper-V enabled

So i noticed my PC was taking like 40 seconds to boot when it previously was taking way less.  i thought it might be a BIOS problem but turns out it was Hyper-V, which is needed for Virtualization in windows.

Turn it off with add remove;

Source: Microsoft

To turn off Hyper-V with powershell;

Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor

How to enable Blu-Ray support in VLC media player

Playing Blu-Ray discs in windows 10 is a bit og a pain.  In order to get it to work you have to go through a few hoops with VLC.

Part A: Keys database

Create the folder “C:\ProgramData\aacs\”

Download keys.cfg from the link and place in the folder you created “C:\ProgramData\aacs\”

finding keysdb.cfg file isnt available at that site for some reason anymore.

Part B: AACS dynamic library

Depending on the version of VLC you have you just need to copy this dll file into the same directory.

VLC 32 bit on Windows: put that file in your VLC directory
VLC 64 bit on Windows: put that file in your VLC directory

create your own search engine using searxng and linux

The excellent network chuck on youtube made a video the other day about making your own search engine with searxng so i thought id put the steps involved on doing in locally in Linux.

Update our linux installation

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

install docker;

sudo apt install

install docker compose tool:

sudo apt install docker-compose

navigate to dir where you want to keep searxng, in this example well put it in “/usr/local/”

cd /usr/local

download searxng;

git clone
cd searxng-docker

create secret key;

sudo sed -i "s|ultrasecretkey|$(openssl rand -hex 32)|g" searxng/settings.yml

start up docker containers

sudo docker-compose up

point your browser to;


Tweaks and settings;

See here for how to change things;
