Category Archives: Music

Classic 80’s Tunes

I love songs from the 80’s and even the 90s but i think songs from the 80’s are just amazing. So heres my youtube playlist of what i think are 80’s classics, its still a work in progress.

In fact alot of the songs below are not what youd’s think are the big hits of the 80’s but rather the ones you heard on the radio in the  80’s and always wondered the bands or name.

Finding that Song with only a few lyrics

For years and i mean years in fact its about 16 years now ive been trying to find a song i seen on “Top of The Pop” around 1996/1997. All i knew from the few minutes i seen it was that;

1) i liked it
2) black and white and a rollercoaster

The only lyrics i could rememeber were something about “going down to [“something”] town. For years i thought it was sparky town,i cant remember the number of times i googled that. Until i tried for what felt like the 100th time at google;
“1990’s song roller coaster black and white”

This ended me up in a page where the poster on a forum was trying to find the same song as me and well it was.

The name of the song was: “Deadly Sins – We Are Going On Down”

And Full Credit goes to this website and user: