World of Warcraft – Improving Peformance (fps rate) – Fixed

World of warcraft at times really can perform very badly, its an old game engine and it doest seem to work very well at times. Ive huge problems getting it run smoothly despite having a dam good PC. In raids at times my fps rate just drops to 10 fps or less same in wintergrasp.  The game becomes unplayable and very frustating so i started searching for solutions to try and fix the problem. The main problem seems to be the game cant cope with many players on the screen at the same time and it doesnt seem to handle CPU Cores very well.

First ill list my PC’s Specs;

  • AMD Phenom Black Edition Quad Core 9850
  • ATI Radeon 4870
  • 4 gigs Ram
  • Windows 7 64 bit

I started by turning most of the graphics settings down, some them make a huge difference such as “draw distance”. But nothing thats really going do the job, in fact nothing i tried really helped.

Deleting and reseting all your addons:

After setting the video dettings in wow to low and deleting all my addons and addon settings, my fps in stormwind went up to 100 fps.  I also set the ATI control panel image quality to “High Perfomance”.

Before i did this the fps rate was about 30-40 fps. I did this at a bad time too when there was nobody in any of the major cities so that is probably a huge factor in the fps increase.

Adding back your addons:

I then started to add to my addons back and with the following addons enabled my framerate dropped a little to about 40 – 60 fps average.

  • Xperl Unit Frames
  • Bagnon
  • Titan Panel
  • Outfitter

When i added back Bartender4 i lost about 20 fps, so this addon is causing a huge drop in performance for some reason.


After reading the Wow forums i found this link;

Which is all about trying to improve wow’s performance and its the only thing thats worked for me.  The problem i had seemed to be to do with AMD’s “Cool and Quiet” feature, as when i disabled it wow framerates went up and my PC was way more responsive.  Im able to be dalaran now with out framerates dropping to 4 or 5 fps and wintergrasp is playable. Um getting about 100 fps where before i was getting 30-50, so its a huge improvement.