Rainbow Six Seige Connection Problems Error 8-0x00000052

If your getting this error and you cant connect to the Rainbow Six Seige Servers its most likely a NAT issues.   If you check the options menu when the game starts up it probably will say “NAT type Strict”.

You will need to port forward to fix this issues;


2. Ports
If following the steps above to update and configure your firewall does not resolve the issue, it will be necessary to forward ports. You will need to forward these ports to your computer’s IP address for the best possible connection:

Uplay PC:
TCP: 80, 443, 14000, 14008.

Game Ports:
UDP: 6015

You will need to forward the port 6015

Steam forum;

Black-Its a wonderful life

Black/Colin Vearncombe wrote this great song that ive never forgotten since i first heard it on the radio.  I thought this was an 90’s song but it came out in 1987, im sure i heard on the radio in the early 90’s.

In a year of so many celebrity deaths, he died in early 2016, 10th january, RIP.


Battlefield 4 & Battlefield 1 Bluetooth Headsets gives no sound

Seems this is a problem with bluetooth in general.  I found the following article from the steam forums about bluetooth headset problems in GTA V.  It might be worth a read to shed light on any problems your having.

Edit 2:
If you start Battlefield 4 on windows 10 and havnt disabled “handsfree telephony as below” all your sound will cut out.


There’s a problem with Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 1 where you get no sound if your playing with a bluetooth headset.  After a bit of googling and research i found the solution;

1. Goto; control panel->Hardware and Sound->Devices and Printers


2. Select Properties on your Bluetooth headset and go to the services section.

3. Uncheck “Handsfree Telephony”.


Note this works on Windows 10 cant say if it work on Windows 7 or 8.

Cakephp 3 Plugin – Changelogs

Ive finally gotten around to releasing this little app i was working on for Cakephp3.  I decided a while ago to abandon Cakephp 2 and go with the new version 3.

Its been a steep learning curve so i wanted to learn as much as i could.  So thats where this app/plugin came in.

The Aim:
The goal of the plugin was to allow a way to simply log tasks, changes or articles about the cakephp project your working on.

If your working on a website/project on your own you need a way to record your changes and tasks so i thought this would be an ideal way to learn and release something. Sure you could do the same with Github and better but i think its better to have something like this integrated into your application.

Screenshot: Version 1






Version 2 Screenshot:





Github & Source:


Cakephp 3- How to read a remote Xml file

23666One of the great things about CakePHP is that it has a lot of built in librarys.  Heres an example of how to read a remote XML file.




use Cake\Utility\Xml;
use Cake\Network\Http\Client;

//XML file you want to read in

//read a remote xml file
$http = new Client();
$response = $http->get($url);
$xml = Xml::build($response->body());

//Method 1 using SimpleXMLElement Object
//loop the item elements array of xml file
foreach($xml->channel->item as $item){
	//need to cast to string
	debug ((string)$item->title);
	debug ((string)$item->link);

//Method 2 convert xml to array
$xml = Xml::toArray($xml);

//loop elements of array
foreach($xml['rss']['channel']['item'] as $item){
	debug ('Title:'.$item['title']);
	debug ('Link:'.$item['link']);

The result will print out the list of items from the feed;








More info here;

CakePhp3 – Date Formating and Timezone

23666Quite simply this is a pain to set right, as it seems to default to the american time zone despite several efforts to configure it to european time in both Cakephp3 and the Php.ini file.

But you can display the needed time format as follows in your view action;

Below the field “created” is a date field in a MySQL Database.

echo $order->created->i18nFormat('dd-MMMM-YYYY HH:mm');


To set the timezone of your application you need to go to the config/app.php

Change below as follows;

'defaultLocale' => env('APP_DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'en_US'),
'defaultLocale' => env('APP_DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'en_IE'),

This wont change the default display of dates but will set the dates to be displayed in the locale you desire.


MORE here

No Mans Skys PC Possable Stutter/Hitching Fixes

Found this fix for the game on reddit which seems to fix the terrible stutter problems that people are having;


The Fix:
Is to create a shortcut to the games executable file “NMS.exe”.  Then in the target window paste the following;

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start “Process Monitor” /High “E:\GOG Games\No Man’s Sky\Binaries\NMS.exe”

Replace “E:\GOG Games\No Man’s Sky\Binaries\NMS.exe”with the path to game on your system.

This fix doesn’t work for me and in fact seems to make the game perform even worse, its best to update to the “BETA / Experimental” Patches available on Steam and GOG.

Cakephp3: Installing Cakephp3

23666Cakephp 3 depends a lot on using composer, so youll need to get that first.; http://getcomposer.org/

Once youve set up composer you can create a brand new cakephp3 app by;

  1. Going to your web servers “htdocs” folder. I.e if your using xammp it should be; C:xampphtdocs
  2. Open a command windows here and type;
    composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app my_app_name
  3. Cakephp will create a folder in your htdocs folder called ” my_app_name”
  4. Open http://localhost/my_app_name

Cakephp 3 installation:

cakephp3 – fixing the index method for admin and normal user

23666Say for example you dont want normal users being able to see a list of items in this example lets say its questions.  But at the same time you want an “admin” user to be able to see them.

The following function might help;

 public function index(){
		//check users role and show all questions if admin or just their questions of normal user
			//show all questions
			$this->paginate = [
				'limit' =>20,
				'order' => ['Questions.modified' => 'desc'],
				'contain' => ['Users', 'Questionscategories']
			//show only the users stuff
			//set the pagnate options
			$this->paginate = [
				'limit' =>10,
				'order' => ['Questions.modified' => 'desc'],
				'contain' => ['Users', 'Questionscategories'],

		$questions = $this->paginate($this->Questions);

        $this->set('_serialize', ['questions']);

What it does:
basically if does a different pagnate depending in the user’s role.